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Objects, initialization, and memory


An object can be declared at any scope: in a namespace, in a type, in a function, in an expression.

Its declaration is written using the same name : kind = value declaration syntax as everything in Cpp2:

  • name starts with a letter and is followed by other letters, digits, or _. Examples: count, skat_game, Point2D are valid names.

  • kind is the object's type. In most places, except type scopes, you can write the _ wildcard as the type (or omit the type entirely) to ask for the type to be deduced. When the type is a template, the templated arguments can be inferred from the constructor (via CTAD).

  • value is the object's initial value. To use the default-constructed value, write ().

For example:

Declaring some objects
//  numbers is an object of type std::vector<int>,
//  defined as having the initial contents 1, 2, 3
numbers: std::vector<int> = (1, 2, 3);
numbers: std::vector = (1, 2, 3);       // same, deducing the vector's type

//  count is an object of type int, defined as having initial value -1
count: int = -1;
count: _ = -1;      // same, deducing the object's type with the _ wildcard
count := -1;        // same, deducing the object's type by just omitting it

//  pi is a variable template; == signifies the value never changes (constexpr)
pi: <T: type> T == 3.14159'26535'89793'23846L;
pi: _ == 3.14159'26535'89793'23846L;    // same, deducing the object's type

The object type can be deduced by writing _ (the default, so it can be omitted). You can use is to declare a type constraint (e.g., a concept) that a deduced type must match, in which case _ is required. For example:

Declaring an object of constrained deduced type
//  number's type is deduced, but must match the std::regular concept
number: _ is std::regular = some_factory_function();

Guaranteed initialization

Every object must be initialized using = before it is used.

An object in any scope can be initialized at its declaration. For example:

Initializing objects when they are declared
shape: type = {
    //  An object at type scope (data member)
    //  initialized with its type's default value
    points: std::vector<point2d> = ();

    draw: (this, where: canvas) -> bool
    = {
        //  An object at function scope (local variable)
        //  initialized with color::red
        pen := color::red;

        // ...

    //  ...

Additionally, at function local scope an object obj can be initialized separately from its declaration. This can be useful when the object must be declared before a program-meaningful initial value is known (to avoid a dead write of a wrong 'dummy' value), and/or when the object may be initialized in more than one way depending on other logic (e.g., by using different constructors on different paths). The way to do this is:

  • Declare obj without an = initializer value, for example: obj: some_type;. This allocates stack space for the object, but does not construct it.

  • obj must have a definite first use on every if/else branch path (and that first use must not be inside any loop), and

  • that definite first use must be of the form obj = value; which is a constructor call, or else pass obj as an out argument to an out parameter (which is also effectively a constructor call, and performs the construction in the callee).

For example:

Initializing local objects after they are declared
f: () = {
    buf: std::array<std::byte, 1024>;   // uninitialized
    //  ... calculate some things ...
    //  ...  no uses of buf here  ...
    buf = some_calculated_value;        // constructs (not assigns) buf
    //  ...
    std::cout << buf[0];                // ok, a has been initialized

g: () = {
    buf: std::array<std::byte, 1024>;   // uninitialized
    if flip_coin_is_heads() {
        if heads_default_is_available {
            buf = copy_heads_default(); // constructs buf
        else {
            buf = (other, constructor); // constructs buf
    else {
        load_from_disk( out buf );      // constructs buf (*)
    std::cout << buf[0];                // ok, a has been initialized

load_from_disk: (out x) = {
    x = /* data read from disk */ ;     // when `buffer` is uninitialized,
}                                       // constructs it; otherwise, assigns

In the above example, note the simple rule for branches: The local variable must be initialized on both the if and else branches, or neither branch.

Heap objects

Objects can also be allocated on the heap using <T> (/*initializer, arguments*/) where xxx is any object that acts as a memory allocator and provides a .new function template. Two memory allocators objects are provided in namespace cpp2:

  •<T> calls std::make_unique<T> and returns a std::unique_ptr<T>.

  •<T> calls std::make_shared<T> and returns a std::shared_ptr<T>.

The default is if you don't specify an allocator object.

For example (see types for more details about writing types):

Heap allocation
f: () -> std::shared_ptr<widget>
= {
    //  Dynamically allocate an object owned by a std::unique_ptr
    //  'vec' is a unique_ptr<vector<i32>> containing three values
    vec := new<std::vector<i32>>(1, 2, 3);
            // shorthand for '<...>(...)'
    std::cout << vec*.ssize();  // prints 3
                    // note that * dereference is a suffix operator

    //  Dynamically allocate an object with shared ownership
    wid :=<widget>();
    store_a_copy( wid );        // store a copy of 'wid' somewhere
    return wid;                 // and move-return a copy too

} // as always in C++, vec is destroyed here automatically, which
  // destroys the heap vector and deallocates its dynamic memory